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Special! \"Touch\" Bouquet of 101 roses

Special! "Touch" Bouquet of 101 roses


Delivery to Your Dear Ones in Tashkent!

А bouquet arranged of 101 bright red roses.

Height of the bouquet: 60 cm


The price of the Bouquet is current for the quarantine time.  

You can select a flower vase for the bouquet here


Attention: Orders placed for this item within more than 10 days prior to the designated delivery date (if such delivery date is either February 14th or March 6, 7, 8, 9) may be subject to adjustment of the quantity of roses (reduction) which shall be proportional to the increased costs of roses. If such case occurs, no special notification shall be issued or expected by the Customer. If You are planning to give it a go, we recommend that You contact our customer support team before placing an order.
